
Roy Sturgeon

Roy Sturgeon

Roy Sturgeon

Roy started his jockey career at 16 years old winning the first 2 races he rode. He rode at Stampede Park and Northlands Park until he was 28 when he suffered a career ending injury. His love for horse racing and Thoroughbreds has never changed.  He ran a large training center where he broke young thoroughbreds and got them ready for the track.  He also has a successful lesson program where he teaches using off track race horses.  The program he currently teaches that he is most passionate about is the Flying Cross Jockey Club where he teaches young people to race ride.

From Race Horse To Riding Horse – Retraining your Off Track Thoroughbred

Go from confusion and frustration with your OTTB to understanding how to harness the power of the training they already have to your advantage. The average off track thoroughbred has thousands of hours of training. This training is what makes them such versatile horses. This training is also what can create misunderstandings between horse and rider. Thoroughbreds are a versatile breed who typically do not get the credit they deserve. They are smart, athletic, intelligent and adaptable. They will work hard for you once they understand what you are asking of them. In this session we will look at how a Thoroughbred is trained to race and how you can use that knowledge to get the results you are looking for. We will walk you through transitioning your new horse from racetrack to riding arena.  

Each session will build on the one before going from right off the track all the way to a finished horse.

Apply to Ride with Roy - $250 (3 sessions included)

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